Yucca angustissima Engelmann ex Trelease ssp.avia (Reveal) Hochstätter

Cactaceae-Review 1 (2): 21.1998.

Avia Yucca

Basionym: Yucca angustissima Engelmann ex Trelease var. avia Reveal. - Intermountain Flora, Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West: 534-536.1977.

Type: M.E. JONFS 5639a Loa Pass, Piute Co., Utah, 2,550 m elev., 17 July 1898. (U.S.).

Other representative material studied.

Utah:fh 1179.29, Fish Lake Hightop Plateau, 2,600m;
fh 1179.81, Loa Pass area, 2,500m;
fh 1179.82, Doctor Creek area, 2,700m.

Yucca angustissima ssp.avia

Yucca angustissima ssp.avia, fh 1179.81, Loa Pass area, Utah, 2,500m, in bloom late in June