Yucca harrimaniae Trelease ssp. harrimaniae

Harriman Yucca.

Mo. Bot. Gard. Ann. Rep. 13: 59.1902.


Yucca colo-ma Andrews, Cat. Rockmont Nursery, 1926: 22; Catalogue, Autumn, 1926: 9, as Yucca coloma; in Nat. Hort. Magaz. 2: 232, 1932, as a synonym of Yucca neomexicana

Type: TRELEASE, Helper, Carbon Co., Utah, 7 September 1901.

Other representative material studied.

Utah:fh 1178.30 Halfway Wash, Utah, 1,700 m;
fh 1178.31, Henry Mts. Utah, 1,800m;
fh 1178.50, Coal Cliffs Castle, Utah, 1,850m;
fh 1178.74, Indian Canyon, Utah, 2,000m;
fh 1178.75, Henry Mts., Utah, 1,550m;
fh 1178.76, Springs Area, Utah, 1,500 m;
fh 1179.36, Boulder Mts., Utah, 2,700 m;
fh 1179.51, Lund, Utah, 1,550 m;
fh 1178.87, Granite Wash, Utah, 1,525 m;
fh 1179.77, Gunnison, Colorado, 2,000 m.

Key to the Subspecies of Yucca harrimaniae

1.Without rhizomes, leaves rigid, erect, clearly filiferous, usually in groups, inflorescence 40-140 cm long, flowers whitessp. harrimaniae
With rhizomes2
2.Leaves sagging and flexible, leaning towards and on the ground, scarcely filiferous. rosettes widespread, inflorescence to 40 cm long, asexually reproductivessp. sterilis
Leaves stiff margin filiferous3
3.Inflorescence 40-140 cm long, rosettes wide-spread, flowers whitessp. neomexicana
Inflorescence to 1m long, rosettes in dense groups, flowers yellow to greenishssp. gilbertiana

Yucca  harrimaniae

Yucca harrimaniae fh 1179.13, May 1987
Sevier Plateau, Utah 1,700m, in full flower.