Yucca madrensis GentrySoco Yucca.The Agave Family in Sonora, Agr. Handbook No. 399, U. S. Dept. Agr. 159. 1972. Type: GENTRY 21209, Sierra Charuco, along the Sonora-Chihuahua boundary, Mexico, in pine-oak forest, alt. 4,500-5,000 feet, Sept. 9, 1965 (If. & old dried inflorescence). No. 2557499. US.
Other representative material studied.fh 0604, Barranca del Cobre, 2,100 m,fh 0606, La Concha, 2,150 m. S 2, Casogachic, Sierra Monterde, 1,600 m, type locality area near Rio Mayo, 2,100 m. S 3, Areponapuchi, 2,100 m, S 4, El Divisador, 2,200 m. S = fieldnumber of R. SCHUMACHER
Yucca madrensis, fh 0604, Baranca del Cobre |