Yucca angustissima Engelmann ex Trelease ssp.toftiae (Welsh) Hochstätter

Cactaceae-Review 1 (2): 21.1998.

Toft Yucca

Basionym: Yucca toftiae Welsh. Utah Plant Novelties in Astragalus and Yucca. - Great Basin Naturalist


Yucca angustissima var. toftiae (Welsh) Reveal.
Intermountain Flora, Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West: 534. 1977.

Type: Ca. 1 mile north of the confluence of the San Juan River and Colorado River, WELSH 11935a, 4 June 1973 (Holotype BRY).

Other representative material studied.

Utah:San Juan Co., Three Gardens, ca. 1 mile north of confluence of San Juan and Colorado rivers, Lake Powell, S. L. WELLH 11935a, 4 June 1973 (Isotypes US, NY).
Ribbon Canyon garden, east side of Lake Powell at ca. mile 66, N. D. ATWOOD 4112, 10 June 1972 (BRY).
Kane Co., tributary of Dry Rock Creek, Lake Powell, S. L. WELSH and G. MOORE 11779, 4 June 1972 (BRY),
fh 1178.92 Canyon rims.

Yucca angustissima ssp.toftiae

Yucca angustissima ssp.toftiae, Lake Powell area, Utah, 1,200m