Yucca valida Brandegee

Datillo, Palma Yucca.
Proc. Calif. Sci. (Ser. 2) 2: 208 t. 11. 1889.

Type sheet from San Gregorio, Lower California, in the BRANDEGEE herbarium. (per TRELEASE, see The Yucceae, 1902, page 108, plate 67, photo of type material).

Other representative material studied.

Baja California: fh 0602, Cataviña area, 500 m,
fh 0608, Chapala,
fh 0609, Santo Domingo,
fh 0610, Guerrero Negro,
fh 0611, Rio Natividad

Yucca valida

Yucca valida, fh 0608, Chalapa, BC,
Isolated, multi-stemmed specimen growing in the open plain.